Alternate Watch

Prepare to put on your lab coat, grab your popcorn, and dive headfirst into the ghostly chaos as you take on the role of an astral monitor in a top-secret laboratory! Your mission is to prevent those pesky ghosts from breaking through to our realm. It’s gonna be a real supernatural spectacle and you are in the front row!

There are things in the astral!

As an astral monitor, you’re the first line of defense against the ghostly hordes trying to crash our reality like party-crashers at a rave. Your workstation is a chaotic mess of monitors, sensors, and an assortment of buttons that blink like a disco ball on steroids. Your job? To keep an eye on the spectral activity and take swift measures whenever things go bump in the night (or in this case, on the other side).

Make sure the ghosts behave!

Now, picture this: you’re chilling at your desk, sipping your coffee, and suddenly, a monitor lights up like a fireworks show. It’s showtime! Your heart races faster than a ghost on a sugar rush as you put on your “GhostBuster” hat (optional, but highly recommended) and dive into action. Grab your proton pack (okay, maybe it’s just a remote control, but it makes you feel badass) and get ready to unleash a paranormal whoop-ass in Alternate Watch!

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