Night Of The Consumers 2

Welcome to the wild, wacky, and downright chaotic world of Night of the Consumers! Get ready to dive headfirst into the retail madness as you navigate the treacherous aisles of a demonic superstore, armed with nothing but your shopping cart and an insatiable desire for bargains. It’s gonna be insane!

Plunge right into the shopping madness!

In this zany and casual gameplay experience, you play the role of an unsuspecting consumer who simply wants to buy some groceries. Little did you know that the store you’ve entered is run by deranged, hyperactive employees who are determined to turn your shopping trip into a nightmarish ordeal. Your objective? Find the items on your shopping list before the clock strikes closing time. Easy, right? Wrong!

Navigate through the mall and survive the influx of customers!

Every aisle is a labyrinth filled with obstacles that will test your sanity and agility. Clumsy employees scuttle around like caffeinated squirrels, frantically restocking shelves and causing havoc in their wake. Watch out for those pushy old ladies who will stop at nothing to snatch the last discounted toaster right from under your nose. It’s a retail battlefield! Have fun!

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